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41668 White Clouds on a Blue Sky

Adams, Dan Score
mp3 audio
Category: String Orchestra
Grade: Medium Difficult
Duration: 5:00
Instrumentation: str=
Description: There is nothing like the beauty of a clear blue sky on a spring or summer day. Lying on a blanket as you look up, whether in soft grass or on a sandy beach, it’s a time to take a deep breath and appreciate how small you are in comparison to everything above you. One might say, however, that a parade of fluffy white clouds floating by is far more interesting and peaceful. Clouds at a higher altitude barely seem to move at all, while clouds nearer to the ground sail past more quickly, all the time changing their relationship to one another as they move. It’s hard not to imagine characters and shapes in the formations. A bear? A dog? A boat? The imagination is sparked… there are White Clouds on a Blue Sky.

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Set (Includes Strings 8·8·5·5·5)
Extra Score


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