64632 | Point Lookout (A Fantasy on Civil War Songs) |
| Balmages, Brian | Score
mp3 audio
| Category: String Orchestra |
| Grade: Medium Difficult |
| Duration: 6:00 |
| Instrumentation: str= |
| Comments: String Orchestra Series. The Battle Cry of Freedom, Battle Hymn of the Republic, America, the Beautiful, and When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again. |
| Description: Inspired by the rich history of Point Lookout State Park in Maryland, this fantasy on civil war songs pays tribute to the remnants of Fort Lincoln, which served as a Civil War fortification. Songs used in the fantasy include The Battle Cry of Freedom, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again. The piece is tied together with excerpts from America, the Beautiful, which comes in fully toward the end of the work. |