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68818 Ordinary Courage

Siegler, Sarah Score
mp3 audio
Category: String Orchestra
Grade: Medium
Duration: 4:00
Instrumentation: str=
Description: Ordinary Courage is a quietly stunning work that celebrates the “ordinary courage” of everyday life. The quiet cello solo at the beginning portrays the special type of courage it takes to be a musician, to play a solo in front of your friends or a large audience. Then the rest of the sections take turn playing the beautiful melody. There is a contrasting minor middle section that moves more quickly, describing the inner battle when we don’t feel as brave as we wish we were at one time or another. Then, the major melody returns, and the struggle transforms to a triumphant courageous conclusion. The cello solo has the last word, reminding everyone that with ordinary courage, we can do extraordinary things!

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Set (Includes Strings 8·8·5·5·5)
Extra Score


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